2023年6月11日 — Enter yes to add the host to the local machine's host list. Then the terminal will prompt you to enter the password of the user account on the ...
2021年3月23日 — 1. Copy the id_rsa.pub file to your home drive on the SSH server using the SCP command. Make sure to change the username and IP address ...
2017年12月31日 — I want to use Win32-OpenSSH as SSH server (password less login via public-key authenticate) to process GIT requests from several users. So I ...
2022年9月2日 — I believe sshd performs a network logon for the user, so whatever group membership grants the user SeNetworkLogonRight should enable ssh access.
Create a net user ... # Add a new user PS C:-Windows-system32> net user tomas * /ADD Type a password for the user: Retype the password to confirm: The command ...
Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory where OpenSSH Server is installed. · Use the CD command navigate to the -bin subdirectory. · Use the mkgroup ...